[681-2] - Col Henry with Montagnard cross bow
[681-3] - LTC Henry (left) with the new 4/31 Battalion commander LTC Skaer
[681-4] - Cecil clowning around possibly while in Hawaii with the 25th Division
[681-5] - Regimental Staff, 40th Infantry Regiment, ARVN South Vietnam
[681-6] - Circa 1962. 40th Infantry Regiment. ARVN. Cecil Henry (left) Advisor to Regiment with Saul Mantel (right).
[681-7] - Republic of South Vietnam, early 1963. Captain Henry (left) with Vietnames Colonel
[681-8] - January 1970. Cecil Henry presenting the 4th Battalion flag to LTC Kenneth Skaer
[681-9] - January 1970. Cecil in BTOC at LZ West cutting cake upon completing his tour in Vietnam.
[681-10] - January 1970: Change of Command: LTC Henry turning Battalion over to LTC Kenneth Skaer. Left to right: COL Jim Lee, LTC Henry, "Donut Dolly", MGEN James Ramsey.
[681-11] - President Diem shaking hands with Colonel Loi. Henry second from right.
[681-12] - Post card to Mamie Lee Kilpatric, Henry's future wife
[681-13] - SSG Henry showing his sister, Katherine, how to do "police call."
[681-14] - Cecil Henry on a fishing trip to Floyd County Georgia
[681-15] - Elmer and Porcia Henry with daughter Margaret at home in Rome, Georgia
[681-16] - Cecil Henry (right) with Billy Atkins and Cecil's dog Roy. Floyd County Georgia, early 1940's
[681-17] - Cecil Henry with school girlfriend. Floyd County Georgia, 1940/41
[681-18] - Cecil Henry, Floyd County Georgia, 1946/47
[681-19] - Elmer and Porcia Henry in Floyd County Georgia, 1949
[681-20] - Cecil Henry with Billy Atkins on Billy's horse "Dolly". Floyd County Georgia, ca 1942
[681-21] - Cecil Henry with daughter Cynthia, ca 1954/55
[681-22] - Cecil Henry with daughter Cynthia, ca 1954/55
[681-23] - Cecil with daughters Cynthia and Ginger. ca 1954
[681-24] - Columus, Georgia ca 1965. Cecil with Mamie Lee and Captain Thi.
[681-25] - DD-214
[681-26] - Citation - Legion of Merit
[681-27] - Presidential Unit Citation - 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry, 196th Infantry Brigade, Americal Division
[681-28] - Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross
[681-29] - Award of the Silver Star
[681-30] - Orders to assume command of the 4th of the 31st
[681-31] - Special Weapons Course certificate
[681-32] - Resume
[681-33] - Infantry School
[681-34] - Manning Board NATO Headquarters Command, Izmir, Turkey, 1978
[681-35] - Letters home from Vietnam