Robert W. Parrish

[607-2] - Bill in dress blues prior to going to Vietnam.

[607-3] - Bill at the rifle range in Vietnam.

[607-4] - Pictures of Pedro provided by Disney Studios.

[607-5] - Bill on A MEDCAP mission treating Vietnamese civilians

[607-6] - Patio party in Da Nang, Vietnam

[607-7] - Bill on a helicopter rescue mission.

[607-8] - Bills barracks in Da Nang after taking a direct hit during a rocket attack.

[607-9] - The base exchange building in Da Nang after taking a direct hit during a rocket attack.

[607-10] - Base exchange building as seen from the hospital building in Da Nang after a rocket attack.

[607-11] - Bill on the left as part of crew after a helo rescue mission.

[607-12] - An Air Force HH-43F Huskie during a rescue flight.

[607-13] - An HH-43F on the pad ready for mission.

[607-14] - Jesse McCoy

[607-15] - Bill Parrish (left) Ted Perry (middle), Jim Cash on right

[607-16] - Marc Garza on left, Jim Cash on right

[607-17] - Jerry, Phil & Jim

[607-18] - Our hospital squadron Mascot, 902

[607-19] - Bill handing out candy to Vietnamese children after a MEDCAP mission

[607-20] - Bill is "short" and ready to go home!

[607-21] - Our money in Vietnam, Military Payment Certificates. No green backs were allowed in Vietnam.

[607-22] - The perimeter just outside Bills barracks.

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