[394-2] - Philip B. Serio in the Navy - 1938
[394-3] - Chief Philip B. Serio - 1944
[394-4] - Philip B. Serio (right) with two other sailors aboard the U.S.S. PCE 892 in 1944
[394-5] - Engineering Department of the USS PCE 892, June 28, 1945. Philip Serio kneeling, far right.
[394-6] - Philip B. Serio in Japan just after the end of WWII
[394-7] - Philip B. Serio with unknown sailor on the day he was promoted to Chief.s
[394-8] - Chief Philip B. Serio ca 1950
[394-9] - Retirement Ceremony for Chief Philip B. Serio. Norfolk, Virginia 1957
[394-10] - Retirement Ceremony for Chief Philip B. Serio. Norfolk, Virginia 1957
[394-11] - Philip B. Serio (left) with Admiral Jeremy Boorda at the Christening of the USS Pearl Harbor
[394-12] - Philip B. Serio Receiving Pearl Harbor Medal from General Ryan. Ca 1991
[394-13] - Philip and Angelina Serio with General Ryan. Ca 1991
[394-14] - Philip B. Serio at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana 2003
[394-15] - Philip B. Serio at Veteran's Luncheon at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana 2007
[394-16] - Philip B. Serio with Daughter Linda. Shreveport, Louisiana, 2007
[394-17] - U.S. Navy Statement of Service for Philip B. Serio with discharge December 16, 1947
[394-18] - U.S. Navy Statement of Service for Philip B. Serio with discharge December 16, 1947
[394-19] - Notice of Separation from Naval Service December 15, 1949
[394-20] - DD-214 - Discharge
[394-21] - DD-214 - Retirement (Transferred to Fleet Reserve) May 13, 1957
[394-22] - Pearl Harbor News Clippings and Note
[394-23] - Report of the Attack on Pearl Harbor, and the USS Curtiss, to President Roosevelt by Rear Admiral R. H. Jackson, December 12, 1941